Functional Skills in Maths


Often students find Maths difficult to get started with - it seems a difficult subject for many. But Maths is important to all areas of everyday life and getting qualifications in Maths can make a big difference in so many ways and greatly increase your confidence generally. Functional Skills have different levels: Entry Levels 1 to 3 and Levels 1 and 2, and it is often available free. You don't have to study each level in succession. You can study at any of the levels when you are ready, subject to a prior assessment. From Functional Maths Level 2, you can progress to a GCSE in Maths. You will need to attend an approved centre1 and follow the course at each level you choose to study for about 30 weeks.

  1. For example:

There are 3 aspects at each level:

Your number skills

At Entry Level 1 you will calculate with single-digit whole numbers.
By Entry Level 3 you will calculate with 3-digit numbers and use simple fractions.
By Level 2 you will use fractions, decimals and percentage, calculating to a number of decimal places, as well as understand the application of positive and negative numbers.

Recognising and representing mathematical data

At Entry Level 1 you will use measurements of size and weight, use money in calculation, and recognise simple 2D and 3D shapes.
By Entry Level 3 you will use other measures such as capacity and temperature, know simple 2D and 3D shapes and their properties and use simple charts and graphs.
By Level 2 you will convert between like units of measurement, calculate perimeters, areas and volumes, understand ratio and proportion, use simple probability and represent data and use statistics.

Problem solving

At each level, you will solve problems featuring the matters listed above and of increasing difficulty and using an increasing range of techniques. By Level 2, you will use simple formulae and equations and solve multi-step problems.

In each case I've listed here just 3 of the 5 levels, and given just a brief summary.

The tasks get progressively more advanced as your confidence grows.

There are practice materials for each of these at the different levels and I've included some samples below.


All samples have been taken from previous Functional Skills papers. They are incomplete samples and your Adult Education Centre will have further materials and give you support to help you work toward gaining your qualification.

Functional Skills qualifications are accepted by many colleges as entrance to Further Education courses and they are accepted by many employers. Functional Skills qualifications in English and Maths are often necessary if you want to study other vocational courses at Entry Level, such as in Social Care or Business and Adminstration.
